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  • Writer's pictureBritany Murphy

Try it out: Narrative Writing

The writing process should be messy not in a step by step process such as prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and then publishing. Students should be able to revisit any of the previous steps changing and altering their story as they wish until finally publishing.

My Narrative:

I first began by choosing an idea from a memory chain in my WN.

Next, I created a timeline to see all the details I could cover within my story.

After that, I wrote a flash draft in class. This allowed my ideas to flow and me to jot down anything from the memory that I thought about in the short amount of time.

I read my draft and then asked myself what could I do to my story to STRENGTHEN it.

  1. I decided I could maybe craft a lead: Where was I in college at? I could add emotion. I could also add more description

  2. I could add dialogue or thoughts to make the story more personal. With my dialogue, I could use various forms of punctuation.

  3. I could include sense: feelings/emotions!

  4. I reflected on who my intended audience was and what the point of my story was!

I took all of my notes and thoughts and used them to write a new draft. In my new draft included dialogue, thoughts, and emotions.

Finally, I cleaned up my draft by proofreading it and then publishing it!


Carroll, Lindsay. “If I Could Do It Again: A Message to My Colleagues and My Former Self….” Words Matter, 29 Jan. 2019,

Dorfman, L. R., & Cappelli, R. (2017). Mentor texts: Teaching writing through children’s literature, K – 6 (2nd ed.). Portland, Maine: Stenhouse

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